Wednesday, May 7, 2008

John Khem's Facebook PPC Secrets - Stolen Material

So it's been a long time since I've posted here - I've been really busy starting a new company with 3 partners...however, I wanted to give a warning to the writers out there. Right now, a client is selling an ebook called 'Facebook PPC Secrets' using a sales letter that I wrote which is NOT paid for. You can see the STOLEN SALES LETTER here. This man hired me through get a freelancer and promised to pay $250 for the sales letter.

He e-mailed me from under the name of ralph will. His user name on get a freelancer is tobeyc. Communication was fine until I sent the finished ebook and then I never heard another thing from him. When I sent the PayPal invoice, his name showed up as Tobey Khen. On his site, he is John Khem and is using my sales letter to sell copies of his ebook (I have a copy as well so e-mail me!) This is a complete and total outrage.

As freelance writers, you guys know how hard we work to please our clients. For them not to pay and then continue to use our work - it's downright wrong, it's immoral and it's unethical. John Khem or whatever his name is promised that he was a businessman who was honest and that he had future work for me. However, it was all a con from an immature thief, in my opinion. Do not work with this man and don't trust him at all. I believe he is from Bangalore India but can't be sure about that either.

Facebook PPC Secrets is an ebook describing how to use pay per click ads on your facebook profile to make money. Obviously John Khem had no problems with the sales letter that would cause him not to pay because he is now USING the stolen sales letter. Copywriters lookout - the gross behavior of this man is unacceptable and disgusting.


Danielle said...

Go get 'em Samantha!!!

Scum like this deserve to be sued for copyright violation!!!

I would like to hear one good reason for website owners to blatantly STEAL from the hardworking writers that trusted them in the beginning!!!!

Danny Brown said...

That is disgusting behaviour, Samantha - this man is nothing but a low-life thief.

I believe an Internet campaign and a name-and-shame project is about to happen...

Randy Zlobec said...

What a piece of Sh%$... Why don't you share e-book on the well know sites like Limewire and the such.. Oh, also how about using the title of the e-book and then Free next to it in a few blog posts, you'll be sure to catch his potential purchasers....


Take care,

Randy Zlobec said...

Afterall.. It is STILL your COPYRIGHTED material so you are free to do whatever you wish with it!


Unknown said...

I think you should go over to, he maybe trying to
sell the site and eBook on the 'Established Sites' Section.

If this is the same guy you might like to leave an appropriate comment
for would be buyers. ;-)

Unknown said...
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